Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Harlem & Jackson tribute

Rode all the way from downtown along West Street - along a bike path that follows the Hudson River, all the way up to 125th Street and into the streets of Harlem. It's a great ride and takes only about an hour and a half. Riding into Harlem was a buzz as there was a tribute to Michael Jackson taking place in the Apollo Theatre. The streets were blocked off and the queuing people rounded the block entirely more than once. Shops and cars and people with ghetto blasters (are they still called that) were playing MJ songs from his youth to his later years. Imitators spinning and moonwalking were mobbed by fans of the real and recently deceased King of Pop and paparazzi crowded around them as though all were witnessing the second coming of the man who may surely be an icon forever. Makeshift stalls were hastily clad together selling cheapskate keepsakes, such as shirts with the beatific beaming face of MJ smiling down or hot dvds of any and or all of His performances. Fried Chicken was on sale too: the gentleman who was touting the aforementioned food was heavily chastised by his rather formidable lady colleague who seemed to prefer him calling out 'Fried Chicken Breasts!' rather than his own preference of 'Big Juicy Breasts! Fried! (a slight pause, then sotto voce) chicken!' Riding home a thunderstorm broke through from about 100th Street down, rain pelting down and lightening cracking. But nothing mattered cos MJ and the folks in Harlem were dancing.

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